
Providing Our Clients with a broader choice for meeting their personal needs !!

1.Telephone Counseling sessions
2. Our Video Skype session
3. Our one on one counseling session
4.Winpop Women Group session seminar
5.Winpop traveling Counselor/ conference speaker

Pastor Sheila Ingram has over 13years in counseling 1998 graduate of NYCCC with a Pastoral Degree in Counseling and a Masters in Ministry from the Covenant Theological Seminary.  She continues to touch the lives of women on a national and international level. She is perusing her Doctorate in Counseling. "WINPOP" Woman's Counseling Center provides a service to women to help them move forward. Moving from a place of pain to power and from power to victory. Our counseling center's goal is to tap into the purpose of each women.  for more details and order form please send you request to winpopwomen@yahoo.com or call 646-531-7313

"WINPOP' Woman's Counseling Center serves the New York City  and Chapel Hill North Carolina Area, WINPOP Women's Counseling Center is a cutting edge service that offers skype sessions as well as offering group sessions for women in the United States , Curacao, Bahamas, Barbados, Amsterdam and other International areas. The focus through Pastoral Counseling is to bring irrational thoughts into a place of disputing anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.  A christian perspective on thinking is reflected in 2nd Corinthians 10;5. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against  the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make  it obedient to Christ. The goal is to bring  the client  to a healthy emotional life.  The confrontation  of irrational  belief is from a format of scripture prayer and Christ-centered living.